


What is a refractive error?

Refractive error occurs when light fails to reach the retina in a focused point. When this happens, a child's vision is reduced, causing blurriness. Refractive errors affect how a child interacts with others, engages with their surroundings and participates in school activities. This condition can have a significant impact on their learning, development and growth mentally and psychologically.

Types of refractive error include:

Nearsightedness (myopia) is an ocular condition that occurs when the eyeball is too large, so light focuses in front of the retina rather than on it. As a result, objects far away are too blurry to be seen.

Farsightedness (hyperopia) is a condition when the eyeball is too small, so light focuses behind the retina. In young children, the eye's internal lens partially corrects the problem, but with a considerate effort that in the process causes fatigue and crossed eyes, also known as strabismus.

Astigmatism arises from an irregularly shaped corneal surface, the translucent section of the eye's surface — astigmatism results in blurriness affecting near and far sight

How do we treat refractive error?

We correct refractive errors by adjusting the eye's focusing power, which is done by prescribing spectacles. In some children, contact lenses may be more appropriate.


“Vision is the true creative rhythm”

- Robert Delaunay