What is pink eye?
Conjunctivitis is redness or inflammation of the clear membrane covering the eye that keeps the eye's surface moist. Usually, pink eye affecting both eyes is a result of a viral infection.

What are the signs of conjunctivitis?
Common signs of conjunctivitis include:
- Pink or red streaks in the white part of the eye
- Swollen conjunctiva
- Excessive tearing
- Itchiness or burning sensation in the eye(s)
- Mucous/pus discharge from the affected eyes
- Crusting around the eyes or eyelids stuck together in the mornings
How do we treat conjunctivitis in children?
Treatment for pink eye largely depends on the cause of it. For instance, conjunctivitis due to bacteria can be treated by prescribing antibiotics in the form of ointments or eye drops. An infection caused by bacteria usually clears up within a week.
Conjunctivitis due to a viral infection cannot be treated with antibiotics. Instead, similar to how a cold runs its course, viral conjunctivitis usually resolves over time. Sometimes pink eye can take seven to fourteen days to clear up but applying cold compresses can help alleviate symptoms. The eyes may itch if the conjunctivitis is due to allergy, and this is usually treated with antihistamine eye drops.
Your child will naturally receive the most suitable form of treatment, depending on what type of conjunctivitis they have.
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- Robert Delaunay